

The United Nations has described the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) as, “the blueprints to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.” The SDGs call for a collective effort towards protecting our resources, assets and to promote development in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

This rapid development is depleting the natural resources but what people don’t realise is that development and environment need to be seen as complementary and not as antagonistic terms. The world needs its citizens to have the necessary knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills to build resilient and prosperous communities. The catastrophic consequences of environmental degradation are clearly visible to young and old alike. Educating society about sustainable development is the need of the hour.

Educating a society begins by enlightening their youth and acquainting them with the global adversities that threaten our future. Under our initiative “VONG” (Voice Of the New Generation), we are preparing a platform for the youth to empower their education with an inspiring purpose, that will in turn catalyze a societal transformation.

We at Orion Square, firmly believe in amplifying the educated voice of the new generation in building a movement in our society. VONG also aims to enhance the active participation of the new generation in creating a better tomorrow.


Youth makes up nearly half the world’s population, they are the most educated, charitable, and entrepreneurial amongst other age groups. They are the building blocks; the foundation of our society. The imagination and dreams of the younger generation aren’t curbed by reality and are fuelled by creativity, ambition, and individuality.

We at VONG celebrate their passion and individuality and believe that the youth is the perfect candidate to inspire change, they are forward-thinking and hungry to make a difference. Equipped with the right kind of knowledge, our youth is capable of not just adapting to a sustainable lifestyle, they can help make it easier for others to transition too. VONG prepares them to make this very important social impact through their opinions and voices. 


VONG aims to work in partnership with the new generation to
⮚ Build a safe space for learning and exchanging ideas about sustainability and working towards achieving United Nation’s ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDGs)
⮚ Co-create a new platform where we work hand in hand and be kind and patient with each other while understanding prominent social issues.
⮚ Build a collective opinion and voice to disrupt social practices that hold back people from living harmoniously.
⮚ Raise voices to the authorities in support of implementing policies and programs that quicken our growth and development to meet the SDGs.


A change can only be brought through groups, teams, or communities that are mobilised around a common cause. A societal transformation in terms of how we view sustainability is the need of the hour. To become sustainability leaders, students need to inspire followers, build alliances, and communicate across cultures.

Orion Square, with its VONG initiative, gives the new generation a common platform to express these ideas, find like-minded people and build synergies. Program participants learn about improving communication skills, enhancing teamwork, building partnerships, and thinking critically. VONG encourages them to enhance their understanding of critical themes including climate change, clean and affordable renewable energy, ethics, equality- equity, clean water, zero hunger, etc.

We develop and enhance platforms and hold spaces that help our new generation to engage with communities, domain experts, and authorities through summits, panel discussions, debates, and focussed research – individually and in teams. We manage several engagement channels on social media platforms, nurture views and opinions and help them become powerful voices for the betterment of the world.


VONG empowers the new generation to make informed opinions and engage in discussions with confidence and rigour. We equip the new generation with the necessary knowledge to inspire and drive changes in society and be able to adopt a better world.

By motivating the new generation to stand up to secure their right to good health, quality education, and a clean planet we are preparing them to become social auditors of a better tomorrow. Thus, by bridging the gap between authorities and the voice of the new generation we encourage them to act as catalysts that set in motion a chain reaction for societal transformation

We hope to promote higher-quality discourse on the issue of sustainable development that moves public opinion, influences reforms and policies, brings attention to the implementation of programs, and galvanises society into serious action and cultural change.